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Tribute to Eamonn Martin 
 Sophia Co-Founder and Board Member 

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The Board of Directors of Sophia has learned with regret of the death of Eamonn Martin. Eamonn was a long serving Board Member, former Joint C.E.O and with Jean Quinn D.W he was co-founder of Sophia. 


Reflecting on Eamonn’s contribution to Sophia, Jean Quinn D.W outlined the journey that both she and Eamonn shared in building a unique and radically different response to homelessness. Jean remarked that “because of Eamonn’s work, individuals, couples and families were supported to have a home of their own. He was a most valued colleague and friend and our thoughts are with his family at this time of great loss” His name has been synonymous with the work of Sophia and he was one of the most respected figures within the organisation.


Extending sympathy to Eamonn’s family Michael McCarthy, Chairperson   said: “Eamonn’s legacy may be seen in the work of Sophia throughout the country. Those of us who are relatively new to the Board have learned a lot from his example of selfless service. He never lost sight of the purpose of Sophia and the welfare of vulnerable people was always his abiding concern”.


Denis Doherty (former Chairperson of Sophia) who worked for many years with Eamonn outlined Eamonn’s commitment to tackling homelessness and responding to  the needs of people who were on the  margins of society; Denis said “ his legacy can be seen in the quality homes that Sophia provides throughout Ireland”.


On behalf of the Staff of Sophia, Tony O’Riordan (C.E.O) extended sympathy to Eamonn’s family his wife Marguerite and daughters of Ciara, Emer and son  Daragh, grand-daughters Aisling, Róisín, Clodagh, Jasmine, Jade, Naoise, Keeva and Maeve, sons-in-law Kieran and Afshin, daughter-in-law Kellie, brother Fr. Val Martin, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. He said; “news of Eamonn’s death has caused great sadness among everyone in Sophia. Eamonn was a member of the Sophia family and was regarded with deep affection. All of us benefited from his wisdom, his experience and his common sense. Even in failing health he made every effort to attend meetings and took great pride in the ongoing work of Sophia.  He took great satisfaction in seeing the organisation he helped to found, expand and develop.  While the loss to Sophia is immense we are mindful of the greater loss felt by his family especially so close to Christmas”.


Registered Charity Number: 20042363 Charity Number: CHY 13516

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